WWW amigos, Worship Watch and Wait is getting its own home! For the past 16 years, we’ve been at Colonial Presbyterian Church, Rock Church, The River Church, Christ Church Anglican, Oak Grove First Baptist, Hillcrest Covenant Church, Freedom Fire, Impact KC, Grace Point Baptist, and various outdoor venues. Besides being a lot of fun, this meandering journey has brought with it long-term friendships and increased appreciation for the body of Christ in Kansas City. And worshipping in various venues will continue because that’s in our DNA. But a dream I’ve had for years is beginning to stir again. Let me explain…

When Gwen and I first bought our house about 15 years ago, the address (2608) had special significance for me (numbers related to Psalm passages have spoken to me often). So as we were buying the house, I took the address, 2608, and looked up Psalm 26:8. Here’s what it says: “I love the house where You live, O Lord, the place where Your glory dwells.” When I read that, I immediately said “That’s my house!”

 From then till now, many personal and family worship times in our living room have no doubt been a fulfillment of that Psalm 26 verse. But I’ve wanted to draw the circle bigger. I’ve dreamed of converting our barn and backyard into a full blown worship venue – a place where friends and friends of friends can gather to make music and worship and pray and just hang out. As dreams often do, it went dormant for a while. But I can feel it stirring again. I believe it’s time to get going. I’ll keep y’all in the loop on progress, and you can check here periodically for updates. It’s gonna be a doozy! The Worship Barn…I like the sound of that!

3/15/24 Update

I’ve had to take a little detour on the worship barn. We discovered the plumbing in our home had deteriorated to the point that I’ve had to replace 150 feet (count ‘em!) of sewer line — from our house to the street. Whew! That takes care of about 75% of the problem. Next step is replacing the lines on the inside of our house. Y’all will remember that back in the Fall I ran utilities to the barn. But since that plumbing comes through our house before it goes to the street, I had to deal with the house issues before moving forward. Fun stuff! So it slowed me down on my barn project. But God’s gracious gift of an early Spring is making playing catchup much less difficult. Little by little by little…